PDF-XChange Pro Offers Great Tools

   OK, it’s the moment of (re)visiting some (new and old) features of a dear friend of e-book content creators, teachers (as educational content creators), office employees (in corporations), and any other PDF lovers out there: PDF-XChange Pro has reached version 10.3.1 and it is still going strong, because it is more than enough not to need any other PDF app installed on your Windows computer. We have reviewed it in version 8, and then we showed how useful it is for various office scenarios, now we will focus on user types and the features they should explore.

   The PDF-XChange Editor, from the entire Pro package, can really make a good looking “salad mix” of documents, when creating portfolios or reports by using the “Combine Files into a Single PDF” function. Teachers could use PDF-XChange Editor to combine various resources – Word documents, Excel sheets, PowerPoint slides, and images – into a single PDF. This tool simplifies the creation of comprehensive study materials, allowing for easy distribution of all necessary content in an organized format, enhancing the learning experience for students. Content creators leverage PDF-XChange Editor to integrate text, spreadsheets, images, and presentations into polished PDFs. This tool is ideal for compiling eBooks, proposals, or portfolios, enabling creators to produce cohesive and visually appealing documents by merging diverse media seamlessly and arranging them with ease. Corporate office employees can use PDF-XChange Editor to consolidate various files – meeting notes, financial reports, presentations, and images – into a single, professional PDF. This simplifies the preparation of detailed client reports or proposals, improving productivity and ensuring that all relevant information is presented in an organized and accessible format. Continue reading

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